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How to Play Backgammon


Learn all about the classic Backgammon game and have fun with friends, family, or playing with an opponent online.

The backgammon board game is one of the oldest games of men. It is said that the first variations of the game began in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamian Area and Ancient Rome. Since then, the game has evolved, changed its name several times and spread to different parts of the world. He is currently an original pastime around the United States, East Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

To start playing you need a companion, two dice and a special table backgammon. The table is divided into two divisions with sides numbered 1 through 24. 1 to 6 are the arrival, departure 7 to 12. 13 to 18, the midpoint.

At the beginning of the game, each player has two cards in 24 point, 3 cards in 8, 5 and 13 in Section 5 in Section 6. Each player rolls the dice and the highest score starts the game.

The beginning moves the chips according to the position opposite clockwise from its starting point to reach the match point of the opponent.

Each player rolls two dice on each turn, and should one or two sheets according to the number that appeared on each die. You can move a tab by adding the scores of the two dice, move or two. For example, if the result is given in the 5 and 4, you can move a tab 9 locations or move a 5 and then 4 forward.

If the dice come up double the number twice, you can move the tabs 4 times instead of two. That is, if you leave a 2 double, 2 places move four times. In that case you can move a tab or 8 times, 2 tabs four sites, 4 tabs twice or combination you choose two places that require 4 times.

You can move a piece to a box that is just one of your opponent, and the "eat". Then this form is located in the middle of the board called the bar.

Your opponent can play again once I can locate the card in a box on his arrival that is not occupied by more than one tab you. For example, if you throw the dice and goes in that box and 2 there is no record or only one of you, he can enter and track their moves. Otherwise, you must wait your turn and try again.

Once placed all your chips on the slot of arrival of your opponent, you will begin to remove the board. That is, if the dice and strip leaves 1 and 2 can move a tab from box 1, if a 2, you can move a tab from the box 2 and so on.

If your opponent has not removed any tab while you have removed 15, you win the game and vice versa. The same applies if you have removed 15 and has some chips in the food (even without removing any) you win the game.

The game is very entertaining and intelligent that can accompany you on many occasions. Enjoy!


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