Lawns need adequate water and frequent mowing to keep them lush and green. Early spring weeding and late fall fertilizing help, too.
If the summer is wet, you won't have to water often, but because rainfall is sparse in most regions during July and August, give your lawn a good soaking twice a week. Water early in the day or in the evening to prevent evaporation. Midday watering is practically useless.
Give the lawn a thorough, even drenching. Light sprinklings encourage roots to move to the surface of the earth, which makes them easy targets for disease and insects.
Sprinklers with oscillating or rotating heads make the job easier and cover a targeted area of lawn efficiently.
You will know if the grass needs watering if it fails to spring back when you walk on it.
Weed the lawn early in the spring. Pull up weeds before they flower to prevent self seeding. Use a sharp trowel or fork to remove the roots.
Early morning is the best time to weed, when the soil is still moist and the entire plant comes out with little effort.
Mulch garden beds to keep the grass and weeds from spreading into them.
When the weather gets hot, let the grass grow a little longer than at other times of the year. This holds in moisture and prevents drying and browning.
Check the seed sack or the lawn mower's manual to determine the correct height for a particular type of grass. Set the mower to that height.
Mowing is least efficient when the grass is very wet or very dry. Do not mow immediately after significant rainfall or in the heat of the day.
To keep the lawn green and healthy, fertilize it once or twice. The best time is the late fall. Over-fertilized grass may not survive a draught because the roots will go into distress.
Leave the clippings on the lawn after mowing to nourish it and hold in valuable moisture.
Every lawn has its own set of problems. Don't give up! Keep a diary from season to season and record what solutions work best for yours.
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