They still have the ability to vocalize their feelings, or the capacity to handle them - making their fears and anxieties even more difficult for him to face up.
Most children have fears of short duration, and grow quickly out of them while learning from experience that there is real danger in the things they fear. For example, a child will learn that there are no monsters under the bed or when the mother goes to work, she will return later in the day. This is regarded as a routine part of development.
Some children are more anxious than others and may need reassurance or assistance of a professional, especially if you suspect an anxiety disorder. Anxiety becomes a problem if it starts to affect your child's daily routine or if your child is causing significant unrest.
When the child is normal anxiety?
It is normal for all children experience some anxiety in the development stages.
Between 7 and 11 months, young people often feel anxious around unfamiliar faces. Between 7 months and 3 years, most children experience anxiety when separated from their caregivers.
Young children may have fears of short duration, such as fear of darkness, storms, animals, or 'monsters', and they often develop temporary phobias after bad experiences individuals. A child may be afraid of dogs after being bitten by one.
When they start going to school, are subject to concerns such as academic and social pressures, and other anxieties that arise as a result of developing an independent sense of self. Anxieties such as these are normal and should resolve over time.
Diagnosis of child anxiety
The recognition of child anxiety disorders can be difficult because symptoms of anxiety in children are often different to those we see in adults. Moreover, children of various ages and temperaments may exhibit different symptoms.
Here are some signs and symptoms of anxiety indicators of child:
* Bedwetting
* Nightmares or night terrors
* Avoid certain activities (such as school or social events)
* Yelling and tantrums easily
* Frequent feeling of panic and fear that disrupt activities
* Constant concern of future events
* Difficulty in making friends and extreme shyness
* Low self-esteem and lack of confidence
* Fear of shame
* Fear of making mistakes
* Compulsive behaviors (such as looking under the bed or in the closet before bedtime)
* Extremely resistant to any change
* Recurrent physical symptoms such as stomachaches or headaches, without an obvious cause
What causes child's anxiety?
* Separation anxiety is very normal in young children and usually subsides with age. Coping with separation of familiar people, your child may throw tantrums, refuse to go to school or have persistent crying or manipulative. If an older child or adolescent with this behavior persists, may have separation anxiety disorder and professional help may be required.
* Changes and fear of the unknown. Like adults, children fear the unknown and are often wary of new situations. The first day of school, meeting new people or neighborhoods can be an anxious time for your child.
* Traumatic events. Unpleasant or bad experiences can lead a child to believe that certain things are dangerous or threatening. This could include an awkward social situation, or causing physical harm or fright (such as a dog bite or an accident). In particularly difficult situations is the risk of disorder of post-traumatic stress (PTSD) and your child may need professional counseling.
* School-related problems. Your child may be anxious about something that happens at school as abusers, work on making friends, or a tyrannical teacher. Anxiety can come in some cases the difficulties encountered in front of the school work and a learning disorder may be the main cause.
Problems of the family. A disturbance in the home environment can make your child feel anxious. Seeing or hearing the parents arguing continuously may be particularly anxious for your child and give them a sense of insecurity. Other family situations that may lead to an anxious child are separated and divorce, death or illness in the family, and harsh discipline or otherwise.
* Learned behavior. Children are often eager to adopt the behavior of their parents. This is especially true for children whose parents over-protective or overly anxious (who themselves may suffer from an anxiety disorder).
Help your child's anxiety
Anxiety in children can handle a variety of ways. Recognizing the child's anxiety disorder is the first step. The methods used in treating anxiety the child may be conventional (allopathic) or involve a more holistic approach to natural remedies and complementary medicine.
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