It is not a usual practice, but has been successful in the United States, country where one in four couples living together purchase separate beds.
For 2015 it is predicted that sixty percent of the homes have two bedrooms. "You can not deny sleeping with another person implies a great effort and a tolerance that can sometimes break," says the Argentina Navy Salmeri sexologist.
Rest well is one of the behaviors that are lost when you share a bed with someone else. "If your partner snores, moves a lot, has a tense sleep will affect your partner and this will affect sleep and long in sexual intercourse and sharing everyday," he continues specialist.
To avoid the blame for not letting that both sleep and quiet sleep, sleep in beds in different rooms is even an option.
"To prove it does not hurt. The couple sleeping separately does not mean that they become roommates, can have better sex life and relate better if there is this tension, blame and constant fatigue, "said Salmeri.
The choice is interesting because the statistics say that sixty percent of men snore.
If both work and their waking hours do not match, is a good choice of sleeping in different rooms. The temperature of men and women are also unlikely to be couple: if it is hot, but she also cold disagreement will arise can be avoided.
"Having a bed for each zero tolerance does not mean life as a couple or unaccompanied.
There are times when you need to have a good sleep and not be in a bad mood all day, it is best to have a place for everyone, so that the meeting be more productive and desirable later.
It should be clarified or beds to sleep in separate rooms has nothing to do with a poor sex life, "says professional.
Benefits to consider when separate beds
- Eliminate the criticisms and problems snoring.
- Everyone can do what he wants without fighting. Watch TV, read or sleep.
- Discussions have just in case it's cold or heat.
- Not if your partner is often wake up several times during the night to go to the bathroom.
- No more problems in the morning when you get up and the other did not. Moreover if one of the two partners have a night job or sue you wake up at dawn.
- Have their own room and privacy in your home.
Although not a trend that will delight, is an alternative for those who complain of their partners and want to try to improve the emotional relationship in more ways than one.
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