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Because We Never Stop Learning...

When children are prepared for sports, parents often wonder how to provide encouragement but no pressure on them, rather than playing an important role in monitoring and guide their behavior in recreation and fun .... You are the first coach of its son.

Show an active interest in the sport. Learn what you can about the work he carries out his son, and practice it with him. His commitment gives more weight to the passion he put on fun in the sport of your choice.

Do not put too much emphasis on winning or losing, it's important to learn the mechanics of game and congratulate them when they improve their skills and achieve fun.

Involve your child in the task of buying the practice squad. Their clothing is essential to feel comfortable and happy to practice their favorite sport.

Do not demand too much physically to his son. If you want to take a break in play, do so. You may also want to stop playing for frustrated: in this case do not force it to continue, that would only worsen their mood and probably do lose the taste for activity.

If it leads to a small school football, basketball or sport it is, make sure the coach treats all children equally and does not want to encourage feelings that do not add anything to his son, as fierce competition, the win-win , or other matters that have nothing to do with sports and entertainment by a child.


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