Home And Family

Because We Never Stop Learning...

What is the real value you place on your teeth?

In life many things are achieved with a smile: the acceptance of people, a new friendship, a job, etc..

Follow these tips to look better smile

* Maintain adequate daily cleaning of our teeth, flossing and mouthwash after every meal, because if we do not spend on treatments and teeth whitening (dental treatment).

* In children: when baby teeth fall out, to avoid passing the tongue over the INGLE as this causes the disconnecting of the teeth (crooked teeth).

* Avoid taking sodas, especially black tails, as these decalcified teeth and affect our nervous system (caffeine), producing tooth decay and tooth loss.

* Change toothbrushes every 3 to 4 months old. Since the bristles of these are spent and do not adequately clean.

* Continue good brushing technique.

* Complements good brushing with mouthwash. You will feel fresh breath and nice addition to eliminating germs.

* Avoid the removal of teeth or molars.

* Brush your teeth after every meal and always gently massage the gums to the teeth. Do it with a soft brush and if you use electric cambiale end regularly.

* Use dental floss and interdental brushes to keep your mouth and remove debris impeccable food that a toothbrush can not remove because they are the cause of bad breath.

* Visit the dentist at least once a year.

* Realize dental cleanings to remove tartar build.

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Protect yourself against monsters you must keep your room clean
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How To Organize a Desk


Does your desk look like a robber rifled through it just before a hurricane hit the room? Organize it so that it gets under control and stays that way.
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After a hearty meal comes the time of having to clean the kitchen and wash the dishes, and even when cleaning the leaves impeccable, almost always remain the strong odors arising from the ingredients and the preparation itself.

And though the food may have been the most delicious we've tried and even though we had entranced with the exquisite aromas as they prepared the dishes, the accumulation of odors and grease, smoke and other Border Patrol officers, will lead a loaded environment with a mixture of smells all nice for the kitchen.

cooking odors

Exist in popular culture many recommendations to eliminate the strong smell of cooking, which I discussed some to be able to get rid of them because they do not mix at all with the other flavors in your home.

One of the most used is the one that puts warm water to simmer in a peel of citrus such as orange, lemon or lime, so that after a while the odor is eliminated.

You can also do the same placing in a pan with some cinnamon and allspice cloves so that they also boil over low heat for several minutes, thus, you get a pleasant aroma that clears the that has been generated in the kitchen during the day.

If during the preparation has been cooked or fried fish, we know that leaves a strong smell, we can light a candle for a while in the kitchen for the odor disappears.

And finally, after finishing in the kitchen, you can light a match by about ten seconds and then proceed to soak in a glass of water, and in this way, the unpleasant odor will disappear immediately.
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Why Dogs Bow?


Your dog wants to play? The bow of the game is the first sign ...

In addition to the barking and other behavior indicative of the key ways in which dogs communicate with other dogs and humans is through body language.

Both the obvious details as those most hidden are easily understood by others who speak the language dogs canine.

For humans, however, is not as easy to understand the body language girl milk a dog unless you've been surrounded by dogs or are a keen observer of their behavior.

Sometimes, however, with only a little information and instruction, can be easy to discover when a dog is having fun.

Beyond the famous tail-a sign that worries most of us know how to recognize, there are other postures that indicate a dog is ready to play and have fun, and it is at this point that we reached the bow of the game.

The bow is posture when adopting a dog down the front of your body towards the floor and let the legs slightly spread.

At first glance it might seem that the dog was stretched, but if you consider that their tail is moving frantically from side to side, then you will realize that it is more than just a stretch.

Next to the movement of the tail, the dog's ears are erect, mouth open, and very possibly could be able to see her protruding tongue.

This pose foretells that the time has come to play, and can often seen in puppies and active dogs.

If ever you take your dog to a dog park, you will see often this position, which means that the dogs are invited each other to play.

Do not believe, however, that because you are the owner of the dog-human and thus the bow-game is not for you.

In fact, dogs often take this position also to express its intention to play with humans. If the person accepts the invitation, then jumps and the hunt could begin immediately.

Of course, for security reasons, your dog needs to be trained in obedience, knowing not to bite and recognize the power of its jaws, and be friendly.

If your dog has a tendency to play violently, then practice safer activities such as fetching the stick or frisbee.

And for those who have no problem rolling on the floor with their dogs, know that humans may also mimic the bow of the game.

This will excite a dog that wants to play, and usually accept the invitation and the fun will start.
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Acne and Exercise


Moderate exercise is actually good for your skin. It helps you maintain a healthy body and manage your stress levels, too. If you find your acne is aggravated by regular exercise, then you may want to examine your routine. What do you wear? Where do you go? How hard do you work? Exercise-related acne is usually caused by something you put on your body rather something you do with it. Remove these outside factors, and you may put an end to your workout breakouts. Here are just a few things to watch for.

Acne & Exercise - Make-up. When exercising, wear as little make-up as possible. Even oil-free and non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) cosmetics can clog pores if worn during heavy exercise. When you’re done working out, wash as soon as possible.

Acne & Exercise - Sunscreen. If your regimen takes you outdoors, always wear sunscreen. While acne may improve slightly after brief periods in the sun, studies show that prolonged exposure actually promotes comedones (clogged pores) and, of course, sun damage. Some kinds of acne medication make skin more sensitive to the sun, so sunscreen is even more important. When choosing a sunscreen, look for products that are oil-free and have a protection factor of at least SPF 15 for both UVA and UVB rays. Like make-up, sunscreen can travel across the skin’s surface and lodge in the pores — so wash immediately after working out.

Acne & Exercise - Clothing. If you’re prone to body acne, avoid garments made exclusively with lycra or nylon. Why? Some synthetic fabrics can trap the heat and moisture against your skin, creating a fertile breeding ground for the bacteria that contribute to acne. For moderate exercise, your best bet is lightweight, loose-fitting cotton, or a lycra-cotton blend. Natural fabrics allow the skin to breathe, and loose garments are less likely to cause friction. If you’re exercising vigorously and working up a good sweat, however, you may want to try some of the new fabrics designed to wick moisture away from your skin.

Acne & Exercise - Equipment. Some people are more likely to get acne or have their lesions aggravated in the areas affected by sports equipment. The best defense against friction-related breakouts is a good fit — make sure your helmet doesn’t slide around on your forehead, or your wetsuit isn’t too tight under the arms. You can also curb equipment-triggered breakouts by lining your helmet with a layer of soft, washable cotton fabric; it's a great use for those old t-shirts, too. And no matter what the sport, it’s always a good idea to keep your equipment clean and dry when not in use.

Acne & Exercise - Moisture. Mom was right: You should get out of those wet clothes! No matter how you get your exercise — treadmill, trail, tennis court, or whatever — don’t sit around in your sweaty clothes or wet bathing suit when you’re done. If you can, shower off immediately and change into dry clothes before driving home. If this isn’t possible, change into dry clothes and wipe down as well as you can. When toweling sweat off your face, always use a clean towel, and blot gently rather than wipe. Vigorous wiping can irritate your skin, driving make-up and sunscreen deeper into the pores.

Acne & Exercise - Showering. Again, it’s best to shower immediately after working out. You may want to use a medicated exfoliant cleanser, but always be gentle with your skin. Scrubbing harder isn’t going to make you any cleaner, or make your acne go away — and it may actually irritate existing lesions or promote the development of new ones. If you can't shower right away, you can still curb breakouts by wiping down with medicated pads; keep a few in your gym bag just in case.

So keep up the good work! A healthy exercise program is an integral part of your overall health; and a healthy body is more likely to have healthy skin. Just keep an eye on the various factors that accompany your regimen, and try to remove the acne triggers — you’ll be on your way to breakout-free workouts.

For more information visit: www.acnezine.com

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Sometimes your old shower head just doesn’t cut it anymore. Don’t fret, installing a new one is a simple task.
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Tired of squinting over your laptop? There are several ways to turn a big-screen TV into your new computer monitor and enjoy video games, web content, and photos like never before.
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The difficult time to introduce your new "friend" to your children and how to make it easier for all

"Meet my girlfriend"

If suddenly meet someone and the relationship appears to be special, as responsible parents we know we must prepare to report the current situation the most important people in our lives: our children.

Knowing someone when you're a single parent can be complicated, but it's definitely a child's play when compared with the trauma of having to tell your children.

Besides fears of your children to be replaced, you must also take account of the fear generated by the possibility of having a wicked stepmother.

Such fears are, from the perspective of an adult, of course unfounded, but your children are legitimate and need to be addressed.

So how are you going to tell you that you've met someone special, that there may be someone new in their lives?

Here are some suggestions-and some obligations and prohibitions - to help in this task.
Tell children about your new "friend"

* Be honest with your children

If it's a nice story and funny, not afraid to tell your children how he first meet your new friend.

When painting a picture you will be pleasantly romantic in a way, teaching your children that the romance is important and that is something to be hoarded.

Also, tell this story your children will appreciate your honesty, which usually is the language that children speak.
· She inquires about their feelings

Ask your children how they feel about the fact that you have a new "friend". Of course, it may surprise you and tell you that they are happy for you.

A beloved and well-bred boy is a little person empathic. Our children want to be happy, and they know better than anyone (luckily) that cuddles and kisses are required for all-even for Dad.

* Make them feel safe

Remind them that they are, and always will be, the most important people in your life. Nothing and nobody can ever change that fact.

* Suggest the possibility of an encounter

Honor your children and show them that you think they have the maturity to handle the situation. Future plans made flexible (read: no promises) and suggests that "when the time is right, maybe you could arrange a meeting to get acquainted. Whatever you do, do not rush things.

It is best to take your time and play safe. The last thing we want is for your children to get involved emotionally with a good woman, only to witness how the relationship breaks down-which would definitely suffer in the form.

* Prepare your children for the presentation

If you plan to make your children know your new partner, reveals what you like about it previously.

For example, you could say she has a great sense of humor who likes to have fun telling you about his daily life: "You know what Laura told me in the office today?

It was a really funny comment. He told me long ago observed the way I walk and I do like a monkey. " Doing this will prepare the boys emotionally and make it easier to find when face to face.

So they will know her in some predetermined level of confidence to her.

* Keep your family traditions

Do not start canceling family traditions for the simple fact of having met someone. These traditions are very important for children, and are those that tend to produce the most positive impacts on their lives.

Not only the kids remember these traditions for the rest of their lives but also tend to spend their own children the torch of the same traditions that you or perhaps your parents or grandparents have invented.

Do not gripe about family traditions. However, to make the necessary arrangements to include a new participant.

* Ask permission

If you have teenage children, and think sleepovers with your new friend, ask permission before doing so.

Reassure them that you have a cell phone and always on, and can contact you for any reason. partner
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1. Do they need vaccinations?

No vaccines are given routinely to domestic birds. But if your bird may not need vaccinations, whether there should be regular veterinary examinations to detect parasites, diseases and nutritional deficiencies, in addition to knowing more about staying healthy and happy.

2. How do I feed?

A proper diet is extremely important to a long and healthy life of your bird. The dietary needs vary depending on the species, general health and reproductive status of your pet. Some parrot species could benefit greatly by eating grains specially prescribed. The seed-based diets are not appropriate for all birds. Consult your veterinarian for information regarding your own bird, and ask about diets rich in vitamins that are being successfully with many birds.

3. Can I trim his beak, claws, and wings?

Yes, but an appropriate cut requires some training. Learn how to handle and cut correctly to your bird before you do it yourself. The smaller birds are easier to work, since it is less likely to cause serious injuries to his hands. The larger birds, in contrast, can potentially be very aggressive and cause serious injuries if they bite and are not contained properly. Birds can also mishandled injury or stress themselves to death in extreme cases. Ask a vet if you are not comfortable cutting it at home.

4. Why do birds cry?

This is a difficult question. There are many reasons that may range from illness to stress, aggression, boredom or fear. Consider assess recent changes in your home that might affect your pet. Whatever has changed the general routine, such as diet, environment, or the place of the cage, can be causes. If any of this, you may have found the answer. There are numerous books on training and caring for birds to help with regard to their conduct. Also consider making a veterinary examination to make sure your feathered friend is healthy.

5. Why will you fall / pull the feathers?

There are many reasons. They range from a general poor health, poor diet, an agency's internal disease, parasites, and skin diseases, as well as through the boredom, stress, or excessive solitude. Some birds are plucking seriously injuring his own skin, which leads to infections or other serious problems. All plucked birds should be examined by your veterinarian to determine if the cause is medical or behavioral, and receive consistent treatment if needed. Make sure your bird receives a fresh diet, well balanced and it is correct for your type. Many parrots also benefit greatly with supplements of fruits and vegetables, washed or peeled. Keep in mind that the animal's environment, is the type, size, and proper place, and having toys, and appropriate accessories in the cage.

6. How often should I trim the beak?

The need to cut the beak of a bird varies greatly with respect to the species, size, diet, general health, and environment. The bird boys, like finches and canaries, usually require no cutting its peak. However, parrots (whatever type) may need to cut it from time to time. Many of these birds keep their beaks in the appropriate length appropriate toys for birds pecking or stone and bone. If you use these products, make sure they are the correct type and size for your pet. Some birds also require occasional adjustments of the peak. If you think the peak of his feathered friend is very large, consult your veterinarian.

7. How often should I cut your nails?

The need to cut the nails varies greatly depending on the size, species, diet, general health, activity level, and the environment in which your bird is. Many active birds keep their nails in the proper length and rarely needs to have them cut. If you think your nails are too long, and are interfering with your normal life, or caused any damage to the skin, it's time to make an adjustment. Ask your trusted veterinarian. Some people use nail files to keep polished. Be very careful of any rough surface that may cause damage to skin and delicate tiptoes your feathered friend.

8. What does a complete physical examination for a bird?

A complete physical examination should control every organ system in the body of the bird, like an examination for a dog or cat. A veterinarian in charge, could even hear the heartbeat and breathing of the animal, especially in the smaller birds. Although body temperature is usually controlled in such examinations should be reviewed if their eyes, ears, mouth, skin, feathers, abdomen, general condition and body weight, general appearance of the peak,
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Anxiety In Children


Like adults, children may also suffer from anxiety. In fact, anxiety in children should be expected at specific times during development and in such cases is regarded as normal (for example, the first day of school). Some children may also suffer from excessive shyness and may struggle to adjust to new situations.

They still have the ability to vocalize their feelings, or the capacity to handle them - making their fears and anxieties even more difficult for him to face up.

Most children have fears of short duration, and grow quickly out of them while learning from experience that there is real danger in the things they fear. For example, a child will learn that there are no monsters under the bed or when the mother goes to work, she will return later in the day. This is regarded as a routine part of development.

Some children are more anxious than others and may need reassurance or assistance of a professional, especially if you suspect an anxiety disorder. Anxiety becomes a problem if it starts to affect your child's daily routine or if your child is causing significant unrest.

When the child is normal anxiety?

It is normal for all children experience some anxiety in the development stages.

Between 7 and 11 months, young people often feel anxious around unfamiliar faces. Between 7 months and 3 years, most children experience anxiety when separated from their caregivers.

Young children may have fears of short duration, such as fear of darkness, storms, animals, or 'monsters', and they often develop temporary phobias after bad experiences individuals. A child may be afraid of dogs after being bitten by one.

When they start going to school, are subject to concerns such as academic and social pressures, and other anxieties that arise as a result of developing an independent sense of self. Anxieties such as these are normal and should resolve over time.

Diagnosis of child anxiety

The recognition of child anxiety disorders can be difficult because symptoms of anxiety in children are often different to those we see in adults. Moreover, children of various ages and temperaments may exhibit different symptoms.

Here are some signs and symptoms of anxiety indicators of child:

* Bedwetting

* Nightmares or night terrors

* Avoid certain activities (such as school or social events)

* Yelling and tantrums easily

* Frequent feeling of panic and fear that disrupt activities

* Constant concern of future events

* Difficulty in making friends and extreme shyness

* Low self-esteem and lack of confidence

* Fear of shame

* Fear of making mistakes

* Compulsive behaviors (such as looking under the bed or in the closet before bedtime)

* Extremely resistant to any change

* Recurrent physical symptoms such as stomachaches or headaches, without an obvious cause

What causes child's anxiety?

* Separation anxiety is very normal in young children and usually subsides with age. Coping with separation of familiar people, your child may throw tantrums, refuse to go to school or have persistent crying or manipulative. If an older child or adolescent with this behavior persists, may have separation anxiety disorder and professional help may be required.

* Changes and fear of the unknown. Like adults, children fear the unknown and are often wary of new situations. The first day of school, meeting new people or neighborhoods can be an anxious time for your child.

* Traumatic events. Unpleasant or bad experiences can lead a child to believe that certain things are dangerous or threatening. This could include an awkward social situation, or causing physical harm or fright (such as a dog bite or an accident). In particularly difficult situations is the risk of disorder of post-traumatic stress (PTSD) and your child may need professional counseling.

* School-related problems. Your child may be anxious about something that happens at school as abusers, work on making friends, or a tyrannical teacher. Anxiety can come in some cases the difficulties encountered in front of the school work and a learning disorder may be the main cause.

Problems of the family. A disturbance in the home environment can make your child feel anxious. Seeing or hearing the parents arguing continuously may be particularly anxious for your child and give them a sense of insecurity. Other family situations that may lead to an anxious child are separated and divorce, death or illness in the family, and harsh discipline or otherwise.

* Learned behavior. Children are often eager to adopt the behavior of their parents. This is especially true for children whose parents over-protective or overly anxious (who themselves may suffer from an anxiety disorder).

Help your child's anxiety

Anxiety in children can handle a variety of ways. Recognizing the child's anxiety disorder is the first step. The methods used in treating anxiety the child may be conventional (allopathic) or involve a more holistic approach to natural remedies and complementary medicine.
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If you’re feeling unappreciated, underwhelmed, or just plain trapped, taking some time off may help.
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Many people belong to a roadside-assistance service, but if you’re stuck in a remote area, you’ll want to know what to do.
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Young babies thrive on touch and infant massage is rapidly gaining popularity due to its wonderful effects on health and welfare of babies and enjoyable experience, which links to the parent or caregiver who provides it.

Massage is also a wonderful way to bond with your baby, increase your confidence as a new parent and allow your partner became involved as a new dad, especially if you are breastfeeding.

It is a relaxing and fun for parent and baby - can also increase how long and how deeply your baby sleeps, which is good news for everyone!

A natural way

Massaging your baby will help alleviate the discomfort of teething, colic, chest congestion and sinus, as well as physical stress and emotional strain.

Infant massage has also regularly shown to improve neurological development and strengthens the immune system. The experience of therapeutic touch increases your child's sensory awareness, improves circulation, and enhances the tone and muscle growth.

The herbal oils promote and increase the positive effects of massage. When infant massage is done after a bath or before settling your little sleep, are an ideal time.

The herbal oils used in infant massage provides effects that heighten the emotions, promote sleep, improve circulation, reduce irritation and soothe the anxiety, among many other beneficial effects. In addition, herbal oils are 100% safe and will not cause rashes on baby's soft skin, as some synthetics.

When using these natural oils to infant massage, make sure your wording is appropriate to the age of the baby. There are natural remedies specially formulated for infant massage for babies of 12 weeks of age and is a wonderful aid to infant massage. The specially selected blend of natural aromatherapy oils will enhance even further the benefits of massage, improving circulation, calming any irritation of skin and imparting a sense of calm and relaxation.

Aromatherapy oils used in infant massage

The Mandarin essential oil is an oil that calms and renews. It has balancing and stimulating properties and is also known to regulate emotions. This oil will improve sleep patterns and relieve anxiety.

Neroli oil improves circulation throughout the body, reduces anxiety and fear and stimulates the spirit.

Chamomile essential oil calms rashes and skin irritation. This oil also imparts a sense of calm and relaxation.
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Upon entering adulthood, we must modify our environment to protect all of the risks that lurk in any home. Here, ten simple suggestions to start

Older people have a much higher risk of injury and injury due to several factors. The aging process itself, produces physical changes which increase the potential of having accidents. The skin is the protective barrier of our body is becoming thinner with aging and less elastic. There is also a loss of muscle mass, which makes them weaker. The bones, in turn, contain fewer minerals, making them more brittle and prone to fracture. Both the view and hearing, are reduced. Likewise, coordination and sense of balance are minor.

These significant changes undoubtedly affect the ability of older people to care for and protect themselves. The key, then, must be prevention.

Below, we offer ten simple tips, which will identify potential hidden dangers in your home, and the precautions to be taken to develop a safer life.

1. Floors should be non-slippery surface. Avoid carpets shrink, as they can cause a person to trip and fall. To use large carpets, they must be fastened to the floor.

2. The shoes are also very important. Be sure to wear a good pair of shoes that fit well to their feet and to provide proper support. The soles should not be slippery, so the best choice are those with corrugated surfaces.

3. Make sure there is adequate lighting in all rooms. Put candles in the bedroom, foyer and bathroom, to achieve a clear, accurate, and precise, when you must move in the middle of the night, and without any lights principal.

4. The toilet and bathtub, should have guardrails. So you can help to get up and sit down. Also put a rubber mat in the tub to prevent slipping. Place also a way of finding out the hot water temperature as the skin of adults have less sensitivity, and, not feeling the heat right, have more risk of frostbite.

5. The controls for kitchen appliances, should be easily visible and accessible. Thus, to avoid confusion and problems when handled. Fire extinguishers, in turn, must be near the oven. When cooking, always use loose-fitting clothing, preferably with short sleeves.

6. Check all appliances in the home. Look at your cables and plugs. Only use cables and wires with insulating cover. Make sure any appliance, this close to places where running water, such as toilets, sinks, and bathtubs.

7. Place smoke alarms throughout the home. Check your batteries regularly. In addition, make sure that all exits are accessible and their paths, without impeding the evacuation disorders.

8. Place the phone or in places within easy reach. Take the side or glued on them, a list of all emergency numbers written in large letters and numbers that can be spotted easily. A good option would be to use a cordless phone that can transports through the house, even the bathroom.

9. Check the tiles loose, anywhere in the house. For any movement of them, make a quick repair. Also try to install railings at the entrance of the house, to provide support and balance, and good lighting, which allows you to move quietly Cuado reach home late at night.

10. Make sure there is no hole in the grass or dirt areas. Check also in the garden, the presence of exposed wires or tubes that can cause a fall. Keep the lawn mowed and clean of weeds, leaves or other things that fall there. Install good lighting in each corner of it, to minimize the possibility of intruders entering. Automatic lights are a good choice, since going on at the slightest human movement. Make sure all locks on doors and gates to the outside, are in good condition.

By following these suggestions will not only have more security at home, but also live a fuller life through the inner peace that is experienced when one feels safe from the dangers.

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New times women have shown a surge in public space, which could eventually affect their relationship, if your husband is very traditional or conservative ...

For many years, the typical Western couple consisted of the man in the public space, ie the workplace, and women in private, that is the home and children.

However, times have changed, and today is not at all uncommon to find couples where both are, or even just her, who are active outdoors. And in many instances, women are responsible for achievement and success that undoubtedly demolish the traditional roles within the couple.

What, then, the attitude of men to the reversal of traditional roles in the couple?

As experts say, age plays a key role in the acceptance of living with a successful woman. While most young people seem to accept almost naturally the possibility that the roles are exchanged constantly, and in some cases they must be "masters of the house," the more adults are certain difficulties in adapting to these changes.

Indeed, where most adult couples, it has become apparent that many men seem to experience a decrease in its capabilities, strengths, and even sexual force when the women in the workplace than, quite possibly because they have been bred from very small to the conception of male identity that had just overcome relationship with and care for women.

But the truth is that since several years, female gender has been gaining on her own merits "-spaces in the past were exclusively reserved for men, and consequently, the man began to play the same positions of power.

Thus, many adult men are presented with the difficulty of having to confront a new reality with a mindset formed with other types of values and identity.

According to experts, in most cases these difficulties can be resolved with dialogue. In fact, while a woman can have brightness and weight in the public domain, could nevertheless have shortcomings in other areas, in which man would return to the role of "keeper" of his partner. Through dialogue, these points can be made sight of both, which would make them realize what is necessary to continue to each other.

Often, in cases where there is no dialogue and the man lives with envy or jealousy place to have ever achieved, by dint of hard work, "his wife, she may feel because of their successes, and not enjoy the same, or even throw them overboard. This situation undoubtedly have an impact on the couple's relationship, and sooner or later undermine the link.

Therefore, physicians say, is key in cases of couples with successful women will live the relationship as a cooperative organization, where both men and women have very clear that her success is closely related to motivation and stimulation that he dispenses.

The real man insurance

However, men more sure of themselves and their masculinity, are those that can accept without success and overcoming problems of his wife, because they know that it has no connection with love, affection and care which can dispense between yes.

Indeed, in many cases, these men feel a great personal pride in the success of your partner, because it makes them feel very well knowing that a woman living with important and protagonist, and are aware that much of its success has relationship with them.

In addition, men who can assume no difficulty motivation and success of their partners, know that it can be very beneficial for them and their family from the time their children will learn to accept this exchange of roles from very small , and in the case of girls, encouraged to follow the footsteps of their mothers.

They, in turn, will take away the responsibility of being the sole or main breadwinner of the household, and give them more space to devote to their children.
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Limit asthma attacks by learning how to anticipate and prevent them.
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Cold days are approaching and you have already purchased for the family shelter. What will happen to the garden?

Put your garden ready for winter is an essential activity in colder regions, where dry and freezing conditions can take a toll on your beloved plants. Even in warm climates, there is much to be done.


1. Plant bulbs that bloom in spring like tulips and daffodils. Put it at any time between September-in cold regions-and December-in the warmest, where the soil can be worked with ease.

2. Rake leaves and order them, preferably in mounds, so that they function as a fertilizer. Soils poorly raked and without paying can be dried or become infertile.

3. Start all annual flowers and vegetables damaged by frost. Locate these remains in the mounds. If you suspect may have been ill, throw them away.

4. Cut almost to the ground any perennial whose foliage has turned ugly. The seed heads and dried foliage of some perennials add some charm in the winter months, while some will look awful.

5. Weeds. The action of the fall will prevent weeds proliferate at the beginning of next spring, saving work in the long term.

6. Dig tender bulbs. The begonias, gladioli, dahlias, and most other summer plants will not survive a harsh winter. Store the bulbs in vermiculite in a package of paper and place it in a cool, dry place.

7. Protects roses.

8. Where temperatures fall beyond the 10 degrees Fahrenheit, apply a winter mulch to perennials. What is this? It merely provides a cloak organic light like crushed autumn leaves, pine needles or straw, on beds to protect plants from inclement winter. Avoid mulches more compact and entire leaves, because they can suffocate plants.

9. Protects evergreens, such as rododentro (or azalea obtusa) and holly, with anti-desiccant spray. This prevents water loss at the hands of the winter winds.

10. Water the perennials and small trees and shrubs when the weather is especially dry autumn. Its foliage and stems need to be strong and plump to prevent damage from drying winds.

Tips & Warnings

* Preserves your favorite plants before the frost arrives. Small annuals and herbs are ideal to be transplanted into pots, so they can spend the winter inside a sunny window.

* Do not fertilize or plant podes on the end of "their" stations. Both actions could create new growth that will almost certainly would be interrupted by low temperatures. All you can do is to cut branches and foliage damaged.
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Immortalize your pregnancy by making a cast of your belly.
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How to Travel With Our Pets


Many people often have problems when they have pets and want to travel. Ideally, the animal stays in the house with a neighbor, friend or relative to be visited at least once or twice a day to give him a drink, eat and do some companionship. Alternatives are sent to a day care of animals, or a professional pet caregiver. If you are planning a trip with your pet, be sure to read these tips.

If you want to take your pet for travel, or is about to move and has no choice but to move, here are some tips:

* If the pet travels with you, keep your sense of identity. Either way, they can shake when doors or windows open, so it is advisable to keep them closed if you are away from your car or hotel.
* You need to hold an identification plate, showing the pet name, address, telephone and email, regardless of whether the animal travels with you or others.
* Except for the blind, pets are not permitted on the buses and trains. If you, a relative or friend has this disability, prior notification to the airline, bus, or train, that anger in the company of a pet.
* Check with your veterinarian the possibility of mild sedatives for your pet during travel.
* If carefully planned vacation with your pet, it would be helpful to walk the journey to be undertaken with the animal. But this preparation for the unexpected and most likely to happen.


* If you choose to send your pet by air, make reservations and arrangements in advance of delivery of the animal at airports. Carefully follow the instructions given the airline to pick up your animal.

* Note if your pet may travel in the same plane, in a cage under a seat of the cab. Otherwise, you must send it by air freight.

* For smaller pets such as birds, hamsters, and goldfish, can opt for the air express service. The airline, the veterinary, or hardware stores may sell or rent crates and containers for such shipments. The small fish should be packed in an aquarium by a professional in these matters.

* Purchase these cages or containers with one or two weeks in advance. Familiarize your pet by placing them within a few minutes each day. Gradually lengthen the time until you notice that your pet is handled with ease within the cage.

* Do not give food to any animal in the five or six hours before the flight. And two hours before, either give drinks.

* Be prompt in delivery of the animal at the airport. If your pet travels with you, arrive with an advance of 45 minutes over the time indicated on the ticket, so the paperwork can be done with time and the animal is not stressed. And if you send one, show up two hours earlier.

* Be sure that names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons responsible for the animal to be clearly seen in both the cage and in the identification tag of the pet. Make sure that both identifications containing the same information. Add the words "Live Animal" in large letters on the container that carries.

* Notify the person receiving the animal that travels in flight and the exact schedule of arrival. This is very important to know that your pet will be sheltered until withdrawn.

* Animals are often collected about 90 minutes after flight arrival. Knowing the number of passage is not very useful to extend the deadlines.


* If you want to take your dog or cat in your car, and these are not very used to getting into a car, Familiarize making short trips with them, one or two weeks before travel, to accustom to the movement and teach them how to behave.

* You must teach the dog to stand still, with their heads inside the car, and not to disturb the driver or passengers. Do not let your dog pull your head to hit the wind. May irritate eyes and cause problems.

* Cats are often frightened when they travel by car, but some quickly become accustomed. Some people let the cat find its own place in the car, others feel it is best to keep the cat in a cage.

* Your pet get used to being tied to a leash. Carry it when traveling. It is also useful pet harness that adjusts the seat belt strap to the car (the can get at any veterinary). While it restricts the movements, does not prevent minimal displacement. This is essential if their pets are agitated in traffic, and the strap is used to take them out for a walk in a strange place, which could be lost.

* If you're stopping for the night, make a reservation in advance at a hotel that accepts pets.
* Be sure your pet has an identification badge if lost, and that has given all vaccines.
* Pet Travel Kit: balanced pet food, containers for feeding and water, can opener (if any food is packaged in cans), some sweet things to use of "rewards", a favorite toy, blanket, a comb or brush.

* Also, to be sure: a sedative (prescribed by your veterinarian), paper towels, spray air freshener (for if you stay overnight in a hotel), a shovel and a plastic bag to clean your animal droppings .

When the pet is bequeathed to destination, you find that has the same problems as you: to learn everything about the new place and the neighborhood. Must deal with new neighbors, both animals and humans. You must acclimate to other distinct climate and water, and must know that things can be done and that things do not.

It is advisable to keep the pet indoors until you get used to this will be your home and not a site visits, (Even if it is a summer house) as it may be that initially, the only pet look back to their previous residence. This often happens with cats, so they must be locked up for several weeks.

Make the animal feel at home, using plates, blankets, toys and other items that are familiar. Talk to your neighbors about the problems your pet may cause, and certain reactions to people's attitudes (such as touching the tail) that make it growl.

Also, keep your dog inside your house on garbage collection. There are better ways to meet your neighbors that your pet waste left them scattered in the door of his home ...

Entry Requirements

* If you cross country or province, must know that every government has its own laws on the entry of pets, except for fish. To meet them, consult a veterinarian of those places, the government section of agriculture and animals, or other appropriate authority.

* Must have medical certificates for dogs and horses across the country or province: they could be ordered by the authorities. Keep this in mind for other types of pets. In some cases the certificate must be submitted before admission of the animal.

* Some pets must have an entry permit issued by the regulatory agency of the country or province that are going. The medical certificate may be required before the permit is issued. Certain countries restrict the validity period of the entry permit.

* In some countries, border inspections of all animals that are transported, some have a spot. The representatives of the agency and animal agriculture are usually present at airports, looking for pets arriving by air.

* Be cautious and ...

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When choosing a hotel for your vacation, you should think about wellness, fun and safety of children. This is a guide to the considerations to keep in mind

If you're thinking of going on vacation and have children, there are some issues to keep in mind when choosing a hotel. Of course, not all hotels take into account the smallest in its activities and you must take care to discover what they are.

Of course, the menu for adults will be much richer and varied, but children can often be an impediment to carrying out these activities. Then all you have to know about fees, activities and safe for the kids.

Some general issues that many often overlook, they have to do with food and discounts for children.

* If a free breakfast is included in the stay, does it have something your kids will want to eat?
* Do kids eat free in the hotel restaurant?
* Does the child stay is free of charge?
* What are the conditions of the program stay open?
* Do you get an extra discount if rent more than one room?
* You could get a cheaper rate by renting two adjacent pieces so that each of your children stay with an adult, instead of renting two rooms as a family of four.

The best hotel for your children

* What kind of pool is the hotel?
* Do you have a separate pool for children?
* The pool has a lifeguard on duty? When on duty?
* Does the hotel have a common area for recreation? "This area is supervised?
* Are there non-smoking areas inside the hotel?
* Can you sign adjacent pieces?
* Is there rent cribs available?
* Is there cots available for rent?
* The hotel restaurant has a menu for kids?

Babysitting services

Many hotels offer child care services, however keep in mind the following points:

* Some will have a specific structure of nannies.
* Other hotels hire nannies or babysitters to external agencies.
* In some instances, children are taken outside the perimeter of the hotel for their care.

Is it convenient to use childcare?

If that night the hotel offers a special activity for adults, then make it a special night for your kids too. Perhaps they can enjoy in-room movie, a new game or a delicious pizza. If you have teenagers with you, not make the mistake of using them as babysitters for the children.

These are also holidays for them. So if you want to use childcare, first you must determine if you feel comfortable leaving your children in charge of the hotel. In that sense, you'll want to ask some questions before making a decision.

* The hotel has a babysitting service internal or recommend any?
* What are the hours of babysitting service?
* What is the cost of service?
* What are the time limits on the length of service?
* Children must meet certain conditions to enter the service, such as voiding control, presentation of certificate of vaccines and certain parameters of age?
* What qualifications and training of staff members have the service?
* How old are the same?
* Are there any criminal background checks made on staff?
* Is the staff is trained to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation in infants and children?
* Can take the kids to the pool of the hotel?
* Does the facility and caregivers of children are properly insured?
* What security measures are used when removing the kids from the center?

What if the hotel employs a service outsourced child care?

If it is an outside agency, get the phone number and call you personally. Surely, you want to know if the hotel has a space designed to meet the demands of children safely. It is always best to talk to the agency directly (you can make a better assessment of the service), to obtain the information through the hotel.

How to make a room safer for children

Many times, hotel rooms do not provide security measures for minors, so parents can end up paying more attention to what their children play with relaxation and enjoyment. Remember that, once in the hotel, you can not invent magical security measures.

* Check the security of the cradles of rent. Do you have restrictions on weight? Does the space between the bars (if any) complies with the prescriptions of the existing laws?
* Do the rooms have childproof measures? If not, can the hotel provide earplugs to keep the kids touch, for example, the outlet?
* Calls to the hotel to remove any questionable film publicity for your room and block these movies to your room.
* Be first to look at the brochures and discount coupons that are in your room since many contain adult advertising
* Although hotels wash the sheets every day, even the best are too expensive wash and dry blankets or blankets for each tenant. Since you can not know what they did the previous tenants on the cover, remove it, and if you bring sheets for your children, locate them on the bed. On the other hand, will you feel more at home.
* Make sure windows and balconies are always closed.
* Evaluates the lattice of the balconies. Would it be easy for your child to climb it? Does your head can pass through the bars? These risks mean that you should consider always the possibility of renting the first floor of the hotel.
* Tell your kids the address and name of the hotel. Many major hotel chains have several locations along the same streets in tourist areas. Place a card style "I'm hosting at ..." in their pockets.
* Many hotels offer cards or postcards printed so you can use for this purpose.
* Teach them to stay safe if you have to be left alone in the room.

What if you leave children alone in the room?

* If you leave children alone in the room, tell them to always keep the door locked.
* Tell them never to say to others who are alone in the room.
* You should always ask the name and intentions of who is knocking at the door.
* Teach them to call the front desk to verify the identity of anyone knocking on the door before opening.
* If the person is not a hotel employee, and delivering something unexpected for someone in the party, tell your kids that you respond to stop whatever they bring in the receipt.
* If the person tries to deliver something and says it needs a firm, teaches your children to say they carry the message to the front desk. Then, make that call reception and shall authorize the receipt by them. Thus, it will be impossible to fall into one of these tricks to open doors.

Tour the hotel

One of the first things you do when you arrive to the hotel, is to undertake a small tour of the same with your children. Why? The answer is simple ...

* The help you feel more comfortable in their new environment.
* It is a good opportunity to introduce people to the reception, who could help them in case of problems. Let them know that the people behind the counter often change, but they can always be of help if needed.
* The help is not lost and know the way back to the room.
* You can teach fire exits, stairways and fire extinguishers.
* You can explain the safety rules of the pool area.

What the boys need to know about the hotel bill

* To avoid surprises when it comes to pay, explain how the room's minibar, telephone calls and films.
* If you do not want these services, you can request that the minibar service is removed (or select the items to be removed), and films blocked. Make sure that the reception staff know that the hotel has removed the items from the minibar.
* Tell all the boys that if they try to sneak something, the hotel billing system and the find, therefore, you will notice you.
* If you have older kids, reaching agreement on the use of the phone, especially on long distance calls.
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When purchasing a home, not only has the look decorative and functional inside the home, but often also consider the landscapes or natural environments that surround our home, which makes us decide to purchase it.

It turns out that in several cases, the landscapes we have only to say that we live around them, while we deprive ourselves of the great pleasure of seeing their magical and beautiful scenery.

Always good to take a look at the distribution and conformation of our house to see the possibility of creating our own room with panoramic view and allow us to access all the landscapes that surround our home.

A rooftop or terrace may end up being excellent places to locate a place from which we can enjoy these pleasures for the eyes and spirit, but this has to consider the placement of large panoramic windows to give us full access to our surroundings .

Even the windows can be placed starting from the ground to extend to as high as the room allows us, they are trying to locate around the room apart in many cases the walls.

If there is already a room in a privileged location in order to have a great view, you have the option to remodel the entire stay, expanding the existing windows and giving them the extension needed to enjoy the scenery.

In all cases in which the case of large windows, the ideal is that they are perfectly fitted in the hand of a professional in the field and you choose the tempered glass in large sheets of three meters or the height of the room allows.
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You may think sushi is just raw fish, but you’d only be half right. It’s actually the combination of fish and rice – and how it’s combined is an art form in itself.
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How To Detect a Lie


Are you getting the whole truth and nothing but? The answer may be lying right in front of you.
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Adolescence is the stage when sexual development. At this stage, along with physical and emotional changes, the boy discovers his sexuality, you feel like close contacts and discovers new feelings very intensely.

Sexual desire is not clearly defined at the beginning of this stage, so the adolescent may be attracted by a friend of the same sex. This, unlike what he might think, is part of the natural process of sexual development, so long an explanation to avoid the discomfort and confusion that might be feeling.

As time passes, feels increasingly drawn to the opposite sex, the sex drive is already clearly defined by what is now the problem reduces to overcome shyness and insecurity that makes them closer to the people of the opposite sex in general and especially when they feel a certain attraction.

2. Looking for information

The teenager is full of curiosity, he feels an enormous interest in knowing everything about sex, so they seek information from all possible sources. In general, the friends of where they receive the first information, and it is not surprising that most of the things they learn are incorrect or inappropriate and even misleading.

Other sources of information for them are television and movies, ie information through images. They also receive information through the internet as is generally overstimulated teen about sex and feel confused and depressed.

It is very important to be clear that parents who must help their children, guiding them to make informed decisions and consistent with themselves. It is therefore necessary that we speak in a clear and easy sex and regards him what love, intimacy, responsibility and consequences, besides teaching them to have a mature attitude toward sex.

With sound information in addition to avoiding problems is achieved that the teenager live their sexuality in healthy and responsible way, without any false expectations or pressure.

3. Values and respect to sex

It is our duty as parents to talk to the children of our views about sex and our religious beliefs, transmission of values and lifestyle, without this we require certain behaviors or remonstrate with certain decisions.

It is important also to talk to them respect in a relationship, communication, loyalty and love, love teaching them to live fully and delivered, remain free in their decisions and not be influenced by friends or by society.

4. Tips for parents to talk about sex

The adolescents, though they do not ask, are of great interest to know what their parents think about certain issues related to sex.

- Although it is uncomfortable for parents to talk to your kids about sex is an issue that should not shirk but cope and deal with the greatest possible respect to the children.

- If you are unsure how to begin to talk about sex, including pregnancy situations use of any known or scenes in a movie to start the conversation.

- We must be honest to them and give them the information they expect, responding to questions they do not scandalize us without lecturing.

- It is the duty of parents to make known their views about sex and if they think that sex should be taken from the marriage, they should say but also must accept the decision that your child takes. It is very important to inform and advise, but never impose.

- Sometimes teens feel pressured by friends to have sex, explain that a decision is too important to be authorized to decide for him.

- It is important that before you have been taught to have defined its own personality and so he is able to make their own decisions without being influenced.
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Every parent should make the decision which is the pediatrician who will care for your child since birth. Consider that the pediatrician is to guide the health care of the baby during the first years of his life.

Sometimes parents have already made this decision during pregnancy, but this, though ideal, is rarely given.

Note that the pediatrician is to help our child grow healthily, and the best way to get to the pediatrician is needed is making several visits and interviews with various professionals.

A few months before we can ask friends, neighbors or relatives, give us the number and name of your pediatrician confidence to begin to have some options. This does not mean that we should only be limited to the names we offer is just a way to start looking for the person who wakes up our confidence.

To choose your child's doctor may consider these tips:

- The Hall of patient care should be clean, orderly, and be comfortable for the baby.

- The child must feel comfortable with the pediatrician

- The pediatrician should be ready to answer all our questions clearly and not in monosyllables or disinterest.

- If there are people attending physician should be kind to both the child and parent.

- Must have telephone or some other place to locate if not in office hours for any emergency.

- If the pediatrician is full of work, it is better to choose another, for who can give quality time and attention to our son.

- The clinic should be near the home.

- Hours of operation must be compatible or fit with our work schedules.

- The schedule allocates to our inquiries pediatrician should never be less than 15 minutes.

When we succeed in establishing a good relationship with the pediatrician, we will feel more secure and calm, because we'll have someone looking out for the care and health of our children during their early years.

Parents, in turn, should give clear information as accurate as possible on the small, it is imperative that the pediatrician can even help you.

No professional should change so soon and once the child is already accustomed to it. So the choice must be careful, for a pediatrician for at least the first 5 years of life.
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Cheesecake was once served as an offering to Roman gods. This heavenly dessert is now available to anyone!
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Learn how to snag a great salary without putting the job offer in jeopardy.
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