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Writing is a truly expressive gesture and handwriting analysis investigates how children's emotional impact on children and adolescents letter

The child begins to write about when you copy the model as closely as possible, but with the momentum that exists in every individual human being. The important thing is not to restrict their individuality.

Living conditions, education and family environment play an important role.


In GRAFOLOGÍA, any excess BRAND imbalance.


. excessive distance between words and lines

· Inequalities in middle

· Substantial changes

· Inequalities tilt

· Very small dimension ( "fly's foot")

· Changes of letters "or" instead of "a", "m" with four modules

· Changes lowercase letters to uppercase

· Underlines, question marks or exclamation exaggerated

· Corrections, amendments, deletions, alterations, errors (if they are not in a list)

DIMENSION REDUCTION indicates depression, decay, fear, fear, inhibition. (You may also be caused by external factors such as excessive heat and cold).

EXCESSIVE INCREASE DIMENSION indicates an exaggerated sense of self-worth (pride, vanity, egocentricity, etc.) or an inferiority complex is not compensated (in this particular case, this sign is a sharp cry of help-seeking).


. weak pressure

· Broken lines or detours, tremors, twitching.

· Pressure disturbances (grazing, sprains, congestion)

· Breeze (interruption of the line in the upper ridges or points or axes or lower tracing the letters)

· Welding (difficult to attach a letter with another)

· Strokes truncated (not finished making)

· Significant alterations in the order

Confusion of one letter for another

· Ovals crushed or very close

· Tightness in "m", "n" and "u" letter width

· Unnecessary points placed everywhere

The handwriting may suggest the possible anomalies that must be corroborated or not by doctors.

Graphologists do not diagnose illnesses

SIGNS OF EXHAUSTION IN WRITING THE CHILD (very common in this era of on demand when the child is calling duties that exceed the limit of their capacity) are:

. notable hesitations

· Pressure weak or inequalities

· Very small size or with sudden changes

· Dancing lines (address lines)

· Forgotten score

· Signs of confusion

· Welds (can not correctly merge a letter with another)

· Features truncated (not actually finish the lyrics)

Signs of aggression or anger in children's writing are:

- Higher angles in the form of graphics

- Signs of agitation

- End of the lyrics steely and prolonged to the right.

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How To Look Like You Got a Full Night's Sleep on Howcast

Trick people into thinking you’re well-rested, no matter how little sleep you got, with these tips.

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My Child Have Nightmares


Feeling call our son at night, with a desperate cry yells, "Mom! Papa! ". Between asleep and awake we approached his bed: "What happened, darling?". We embrace: "A giant monster horrible and he wanted to eat me!"

Like adults, children do not sleep in the same way during the night. There are moments of deep sleep and more sleep surface. During the first part of the night was experiencing a deep sleep, while in the second half increases REM sleep (Rapid Eyes Movement). The latter is characterized by the body is deeply relaxed, but the brain is of great activity. This is the stage where dreams occur. It is believed that through them, the brain tested situations, and assimilates the experiences of the day. Thanks to this new learning is consolidated and overcome distressing situations.

What are nightmares?

Nightmares are dreams that are unpleasant and always remember upon awakening. The child wakes up terrified, recalling a terrifying dream. Nightmares occur in the REM phase, so dominated the second half of the night.

Given that REM sleep the brain tries to assimilate, learn and test what has been experienced during the day, the nightmare might respond to something that the child lived and is "difficult to swallow." If nightmares occur frequently, is an indicator that there is an underlying anxiety state, and are encouraged to consult with a professional.

Nightmares often disappear as the child grows, it acquires new tools to assimilate and understand reality.

How to prevent nightmares?

• Avoid situations that may frighten the child before going to sleep: movies, stories, etc..

• Consider situations of anxiety to those faced by children during the day, and if possible, reduce its incidence. For example, if started going to the garden or the club early, if you spend many hours a day away from their parents, if you spend many hours in school, if you have trouble controlling sphincters, etc..

• Talk with your child about what happened in the day, and if the child is reluctant to talk or does not have well developed speech, try to invite him to draw things that lived in the day.

• Be aware that colds, fever, teething, etc.., Can trigger nightmares. Consult your pediatrician.

• Some temporary solutions can reduce anxiety, for example, leave the bedroom door open, leave a light on in the house at night, sleep in the room with a sibling, and so on.

What to do when nightmares occur?

• Reassure the child that can not downplay what happened.

• Stay at his side with an attitude of safety. The company is the best way to reduce fear.
• If you are a frequent nightmares consult a professional.

What are night terrors?

Unlike nightmares, night terrors occur in the first half of the night, due to a disruption in deep sleep. It is a difficulty in moving from a phase of deep sleep to a lighter sleep stage. There are times that the phase of non-REM sleep tends to be deeper than usual, because the child usually has little or poorly rested, and has difficulty sleeping and ease transition to a phase of REM sleep (more superficial).

This disorder often manifests itself between 2 and 5 years, but usually improve with age.

The child wakes up in a few hours after lying down. You can cry and mourn so desperate. His breathing is troubled, her pulse. You may have sudden and violent movements. It does not recognize anyone. After about 10 or 20 minutes back to sleep or wakes up completely. I never remember what happened.

What to do about night terrors?

• Prevention is best. Try to get your child to bed relaxed and calm. However, note that up to 5-6 years children are prone to these disorders.

• Stay with the child discreetly. Some children refuse physical contact during the episode, but staying at your side can prevent damage.

• Do not try to wake him. The child knows what is happening and have no recollection upon awakening.

• awakenings. If the night terrors are very common, and if the child is hurt, you can go to a program of awakenings, ie systematically awaken before it happens this episode. Also, consult a professional.
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If you just found out you're pregnant or a family member or friend is pregnant you're probably thinking of buying clothes for your baby. So we give you some simple tips on this subject. Do you agree?

Ideally, spend the money elsewhere and buy a few things for a newborn baby. Babies gain weight rapidly, so if you have too many clothes, most of you will have to give away without having premiered.

If you're thinking about buying baby clothes for a future for a gift, the first thing you think is in the season that will be born. If you are born in winter and the summer studying will be very difficult to find anything in winter, so you can get her something bigger for when the baby gets older and vice versa.

Also keep in mind that the materials you choose should be of natural fibers such as cotton, linen, thread, among others. No baby clothes should be loose hair because it can be inhaled by the child. And artificial fibers should not have direct contact with the baby's skin because it can generate some kind of allergy.

A Page That I Recommend You Visit Is www.tuttibella.com They Have a Wide Variety Of Clothing For Babies.

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Boost your odds of having a baby with these 10 tested tips.

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Many believe that children are only children are considered selfish, rebellious, rude and extremely egocentric. I think that this is not as well, as these values (or lack thereof) will be due to parental rearing.

If the child would have this personality type, then we could blame the parents. The ideal is to teach your child that the world does not revolve around himself.

They can also generate other attitudes such as being introverted, shy, insecure and low expressive if parents are very overprotective.

Without doubt, the only advantage of having a child can sense only in economic terms, because costs are lower when compared to parents who have more than 2 children, also believe that a person who grows up without siblings, he a lot to learn in life.

It is on the parents who are aware of these qualities and can choose not the pocket, but for the sake of the child.
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The children, should drink more milk?

The milk is much more than just food. Year after year, studies confirm that milk is the most complete food and there are many reasons why we must include in the diet of children.

A study by the University of Otago in New Zealand, concludes that children who do not drink cow's milk have more risk for bone breaks against those who do eat this food.

Also, drink skim milk enriched with omega 3, vitamins B6 and E and folic acid for 8 weeks, reduces triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and homocysteine, risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Drink milk every day stimulates the strengthening bones, improving nutrition, increasing intake of vitamin A, D, riboflavin, calcium and phosphorus.

They are very many benefits that has to drink milk daily. IncĂșlcale this habit that your child and let him take it in all its varieties.
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