Home And Family

Because We Never Stop Learning...

The participation of adolescents in intra family relations, is often quite complicated. Parents and children are constantly vying for the validity of the authority of adults and intermingle in great discussions ... How does parental divorce and the formation of a new young couple?

The number of separations and divorces today, has increased considerably, and with that statistic, the continuing conflicts in adolescents. It is always possible to establish new family relationships, but sometimes requires enormous efforts.

The issues to be taken into account are related to the moments experienced by family members. You should consider the teenager has suffered a loss like you and the rest of the family.

In forming a new kernel, you must re-create certain links essential for coexistence, but in no way can we expect the young than the previous stage, or links that can replace without taking the situation between her parents.

Often new marriages are different ways that can generate polarizations that away from her new family.

Ways to acclimatize to the new family

"By recognizing and regretting what they have lost.

"Developing new ways of taking decisions as a family.

-Encouraging and strengthening the new relationship between parents, stepparents, stepchildren and step-siblings.

"Building another

-Allowing the continuation of previous family relationships, beyond the distance that separates them.

Such conflicts are often resolved favorably with the help of everyone, even with the support of grandparents, very important for the young at this time.

However, there is the possibility of intervention required of a trained professional to assess the following symptoms if they occur:

Isolation and zero-acceptance of aid, to overcome the crisis

Crossroad between the two families and too much pressure to decide between the two

"Being too angry to feel guilty for the situation

"Insecurity in all aspects

-Removal of all family and friends

"Fierce anger against the father or stepfather and violent attitude against a family
Possible origin of the conflict in the adolescent

-Little attention the parent for the young, labor issues or stress

-More attention to another son of former marriage

"Banish the new or new member family (stepfather or stepmother)

-Allow to enjoy normal activities

Adolescent relations with his new family, may be normal and satisfactory if one seeks to impose affection or forget the past, as the adolescent is generally the more likely it is to get along with others, but also the major constraints that is ...


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